Red scorpio wine | Logo Design

In this product design, the client ask was to create a unique brand experience. I curated a design concept that would entice buyers in a new, trendy way.

  • QUESTION: How can I design a concept that will have use far after the client’s consumption? Expanding the longevity of a product that is usually thrown away.

  • GOAL: I wanted to make a wine that related to personalities based on zodiac signs and the flavors in the wine. The label instructs the buyer to use this bottle to collect and keep messages for his or her future self. By participating in what the bottle instructs, an empty Red Scorpio’s goal is to manifest their own future. 

  • TARGET: My prototype was targeted at Scorpios and relates all aspects of being a Scorpio to being a Red Blend of wine. With my zodiac wine labels, the target audience will not only be drawn in by the unique design, they will develop a connection to the brand message.

  • MESSAGE: The design goes beyond brand experience; creating a label that customers won’t want to throw away provides benefits greater than the initial ask. A strong brand experience where customers keep their product displayed allows for real-time marketing which all tied together, results in growth - the true end goal.

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