uber Technologies | Deliverables

Content Enrichment Team- Newsletter

Click on the image above to view the entire newsletter

For the beginning of the new year, I thought it would be great to send out a Content Enrichment Team newsletter. The purpose of this newsletter was to showcase the teams new logo, mission statement, updates, and to announce that this team is opening up it’s cliental to a larger group.

I created this using mainly InDesign from The Adobe Creative Suite and incorporated some imagery from Uber’s Chicago office location (The Old Post Office).

Fount Team- Presentation

The Fount Team requested a presentation that included initiatives, data, visualization and helped as a relaunch for their new branding. They had set content that I incorporated into this presentation deck and I gave feedback on content when I felt needed. This presentation had up to 50 slides created and I included some of them above.

* Due to sensitivity of internal content, some information was replaced *

Content Enrichment team- Presentation

When we first started out CET (Content Enrichment Team) at Uber, I wanted to create a presentation to introduce us to all of Global Service Design. The audience was leaders under the Global Service Design group that we would be servicing to fulfill any design needs. My goal was to set up a general standardization of our team while we still were developing it to start getting project submissions.

* Due to sensitivity of internal content, some information was replaced *

 Auth hold- Newsletter Template

Click on the image above to view the entire newsletter template

The Auth Hold team needed to roll out an Educational Campaign newsletter and they knew it would be a quick turnaround. They did not have any content to add to this newsletter yet but knew they needed a template so it could be a quick send off.

I created a template that coordinated with previous designs they were proud of and came up with this. In the process of this I helped them to identify their color scheme and a book of icons that fit with their usual topics. I also helped them to identify what they did know could be apart of this deliverable to get them a good start.

* Due to sensitivity of internal content, some information was replaced *